Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Shakey-speare: Parkinson's Awareness Month Meets Poetry Month

Long-time friends of this blog (both of them) are all too aware that April is both Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month and Poetry Month. I like to celebrate this cosmic coincidence by mashing up two things that go together like Brussels sprouts and ice cream, namely, PD and Poetry. How? Easy! By  penning, or, more accurately, keyboarding, a Pd poem. Still with me? Good. Here goes...

"I've never seen a Parkie Cow..." No that won't do... "A parkinsonian lad, name of Tucker, was one crazy, tough little ... " no, better not go there...  "Roses are red, Parkinson's shakey, when I'm dyskinetic, my movement is snakey..." no, no!..

OK, I think I got it...


Anonymous said...

This is perfect! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Every disease needs a clever and brutally honest comedian. Our prez has Colbert, Baldwin, Kimmel, Noah and Bee, to name just a few; Parkinson's has you. Big thanks!

Unknown said...

Perfectly succinct, to the point, and totally spot on, Peter. Please add me to your recipient list.

Paula Sanders said...

Feet curled in tight dystonic balls - that's me!