Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fall Guy


Steve said...

Peter. Is this part of the book? It makes the point so well! Thanks

Peter Dunlap-Shohl said...

Thanks Steve, I turned in a revised copy of the manuscript months ago, and I am still awaiting a reply. It certainly could fit with what I've done on the project so far. Stay tuned for information as it breaks with majestic slowness!

Pico Alaska said...

Does a PWP fall more or less frequently when moving "with majestic slowness"? ...

It's awesome material, Peter. I believe the delay in reply is because they haven't yet decided whether to market it as the Parkinson's Great Novel or go for broke in the National Book Award competition. Either way, it plows new ground. Not a boring panel that I've seen.

Peter Dunlap-Shohl said...

Thanks Peter, that is reassuring. I'm just used to the pace of newspapers, which is different to say the least!
