Friday, July 11, 2014

Early Warning: Sept. 20th meeting to be a Lulu! UPDATED JULY 11

You will want to mark your calendars for the September 20th meeting. We plan to  have Dr. Ryder Gwinn from Swedish Hospital in Seattle giving us the latest on Deep Brain Stimulation surgery as they practice it at their now well-established program. This is your chance to ask questions of someone audacious enough to run electrical wires inside the heads of people he barely knows. Reporting from the age of miracle and wonder,  your faithful correspondent, Pete

Hi all, Whoops! Minutes after posting above about the September meeting with the Seattle neurosurgeon, I got a note from the organizer of the trip alerting me to the likelihood that the date of the meeting  will change. Watch this space for breaking updates as they occur.
Your dubious oracle,


PS~ Whatever else happens, September  meeting will STILL be a Lulu.

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