Monday, June 6, 2016

Once Again, Off and On Picked as a Best Parkinson's Blog for 2016 (Along with 14 others)

The invisible hand of Healthline, a San Francisco-based Web site has ransacked the darkest corners of the internet on a desperate quest to find the best blogs on Parkinson's. When every sack had been ran, it turned out that, once again Off and On was chosen for these particular laurels. To the winners go cash prizes of...  heh, just kidding. The winners get this nifty graphic "badge" to append to their blog in a suitable spot, and a temporary vacation from that vexing question "Why am I doing this, anyway?"

The Website posted about the criteria for selection, and had this to say about the winners

 "We’ve carefully selected these blogs because they are actively working to educate, inspire, and empower their readers with frequent updates and high quality information. If you would like to tell us about a blog, nominate them by emailing us at!"

 Here is what they had to say about "Off and On"

"...learn about symptoms, download charts that can help you manage your medications, and much more. Because the blog’s been active since 2008, and because the writing is so entertaining, you could literally spend hours here."

Thanks to Healthline, and to the readers of this blog, without whom the question "Why am I doing this anyway?" would be way harder to answer.

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