Thursday, August 6, 2015

Anchorage and Environs Parkinson's Activities for August

I'm a bit late with the August Parkinson's report. But don't worry, nothing has happened yet, so you haven't missed anything. That all changes on August 10th (This coming Monday) when you are invited to attend the Parkinson’s Education TeleHealth Presentation, a live interactive teleconference at 1pm. To find the Alaska meeting, proceed with all deliberate speed to Providence Hospital oncology wing on Piper St. Go to the second floor, walk down the lonnnnnnnng hall that stretches South from the cafe and look for room 2401 pretty much at the end of the hall on your right. The presentation this month will be an overview of Parkinson’s for Parkinson’s community members, PD:101 Back to the Basics Newly Diagnosed, Family, Friends, Caregivers, Professionals and Students.
This  will be followed as sure as the word "appalled" follows the word "shocked" on the 15th of August at 3:30 by our traditional and customary monthly support group meeting high atop the luxurious and elegant Anchorage Pioneer Home in the swanky West Lounge.  We have no plans for an outside speaker, but I have an idea for an activity that I promise will be fun and thought-provoking, or double your Parkinson's back!
Capo de Tutti Capi, Alaska Division,

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