Saturday, May 2, 2015

May Parkinson's Disease Events for Southcentral Aalska

Here it is, May already! This is good news for those without PD because it means that it is no longer Parkinson's Disease awareness month. The rest of the country, indeed, the rest of the world, will be free to go back to being unaware of PD. Lucky them. As this is not an option for those who actually have the disease, you will be happy to know that we will have the following blockbuster opportunities to learn more about this affliction, and how to cope with it.
The Telehealth interactive broadcast presentation will be May 11, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. To find the Alaska meeting, proceed with all deliberate speed to Providence Hospital oncology wing on Piper St. ( Go to the second floor, walk down the lonnnnnnnng hall that stretches South from the cafe and look for room 2401 pretty much at the end of the hall on your right. ) Once there, after a certain amount of blundering with the high-tech equipment, we will have a presentation from Caleb Foss, physical Therapist. Topic: Caring for the Caregiver with physical therapy techniques for reducing the chance to getting hurt while caregiving. Tips on how to lift, transfer and move a person with PD.
Our monthly support group meeting May 16th at 3:30, promises to be a humdinger. There will be three different presentations. We will warm up with two short sessions. The first will be on Medicad help for people who have Parkinson's. The second will be from the Alaska representative of the Parkinson's Action Network, outlining the political environment at the federal level for Parkinson's research. These will be followed by the main act, local movement disorder specialist Dr. Alec Glass. Alec will give a talk touching on the current state of PD research, and things that he is hopeful about in the not-too-distant future for the treatment of Parkinson's. There will be time for questions, so if you want to ask a smart and approachable doctor your PD questions, you will never have a better chance.
And don't forget the Regular Tuesday Yoga for PD sessions every Tuesday, 1:30 PM, at the Anchorage Dance Studio, 550 E. 33rd Ave. Anchorage, 99503. Something new is always being presented, so challenge yourself to a safe & uplifting hour of movement and IN-SPIRATION. You will be glad you came!

Your faithful servant,

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