Thursday, April 18, 2019

No Anchorage Suppport Group Meeting this Saturday, April 20

Hello all, this is a reminder that I am snowbirding in Washington State, so we have no formal meeting this Saturday. The usual space, the Tundra Lounge is still reserved in the Pioneer Home, so if you wish to meet informally and just chew the PD fat, that's fine. I'll be down here through the month of May, so our next official meeting will be the Summer Potluck in June.

Festinate forward,


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Mash-up: Parkinson's and Poetry Month

Yes. it's Shake-Speare, You've been warned!

It’s Parkinson’s Disease awareness month. It’s also Poetry Month. Furthermore it’s the cruelest month, according to Poet T. S. Eliot. (Who did not have Parkinson’s) So what does this all add up to? Time to write cruel Parkinson’s poetry, of course! 8, count ‘em, 8 PD limericks  here